Arrays store data of the same type
An array is a linear data structure in which elements are stored contiguously in memory. When an array is initialized, a block of memory is allocated to store its elements.
For example, if we initialize an integer array of size five, the program will allocate 20 bytes of memory (assuming each integer occupies 4 bytes).
Traditionally, arrays store elements of the same data type. This is crucial because it allows the program to determine the exact amount of memory required for the array
bool bool_array[5]; // each element is of type 'bool'
int integer_array[5];
char char_array[5];
float float_array[5];
double double_array[5];
int* int_pointer_array[5]; // each element being int*
Person person_obj_array[5]; // each element is a Person object
There are other languages where it allows you to store multiple types in an array (250201111442), but internally they all share the same type which is a reference to the object (250201115105).