Space for fragments of thoughts- aWhat I'm up to at the moment
- b습관이 되려면 며칠 걸리는지 아무도 모른다
- b1한 번 멈춰버린 습관을 되돌리기란 쉽지 않다
- b2더 하고 싶을 때 멈춰야 한다
- b3의식하지 않고 하는 행동에 습관이 완성되는 것
- c메모는 외부의 정보가 아닌 내부의 정보를 적는 것
- c/aConfidence is the key in improving the language skill
- dMy MacBook Setup
- eData Structure
- eaWhat is an Array?
- ea1Different types of an array
- ea1aStatic Array
- ea1bDynamic Array
- ea1cJagged Array
- ea2You can add properties in JavaScript arrays
- ebWhat is a Stack?
- ecWhat is a Queue?
- edWhat is a Linked List?
- ed1The type of a linked list is determined by the structure of a node
- edaWhat is a Singly Linked List?
- edbWhat is a Doubly Linked List?
- edcWhat is a Circular Linked List?
- eeWhat is a Hash Table?
- ee1Hash code is always an integer
- ee2A key could be of any type in a hash table
- ee3how do you avoid collisions in a hash table
- efWhat is a Binary Tree?
- egDepth-First Search
- gPassing a block as an argument